I'm OK Liao, a surf artist, freelance illustrator, graphic designer, creative and advertising director based in Taiwan. And yeah, I'm a dog person!
I create artworks that make people feel they are on a relaxing vacation or speak of people’s love for the ocean. I hope you can embrace the spirit of ALOHA through my works.
During my creation, I always devote my whole self to every single piece of work by combining my personal experience, travel memories, friends I met, music, food, and even the smell of a place, to tell the beautiful stories.
I bet you like my works 'cuz you are here.
我是OK,衝浪畫家以及狗派人士!我喜歡創造輕鬆氛圍,充滿度假感的畫面,還有對海洋的熱愛,並且在作品裡注入ALOHA精神。創作時我總會把自己徹底的投入在其中,用我的生活經驗、旅行記憶、朋友、音樂、食物、天氣 ,甚至那些地方的味道,將這些美好的事物融合成一件作品。我猜你是喜歡的,因為你在這裡。
Canvas Giclée Prints
Branding Design / LOGO / Interior: "WAVE BURGER" Surf Bistro.
蔥浪堡全球總部aka.礁溪店 之空間設計 從丈量畫圖施工佈置不知不覺花了六個月呢! 感謝蔥老闆一家信任,讓我玩出一樓的夏威夷風,和露台的繽紛海灘風。 也達成了「迷你衝浪藝廊」的心願,讓浪人藝術家們包含我 未來有一個展示衝浪藝術品的小地方。 3/26是蔥浪堡的開幕日,據説已有300+人準備前往,蔥老闆惆悵中。 之後去到礁溪,除了吃到有蔥的美式漢堡,也可欣賞在地衝浪藝術家的作品(都標價啦 也可收藏喔!) 還可跟善良又ㄎ一尢又不在乎生意的蔥夫妻抬槓啊嘿。
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Visual Logo Design:"ONE PEOPLE, GOOD PEOPLE" the green market by Vast and Friends.
Kono and Pili 與Vast 再次合體,這次與Mr. Planet 一起玩。 ONE EARTH, GOOD PEOPLE. mini market by Vast and Friends. #地球先生是你的好朋友 #那你就應該好好對待他
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